As a woman who is open about the fact that I don’t believe ‘trans women are women’ in any and all circumstances, I have been told to shut up and that I should not exist more times than I can now count. Unfortunately Tennant’s rhetoric and the underlying misogyny is all too familiar to those of us on the ‘biological reality matters’ side of the debate.

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Your hateful attitude towards trans people is kind of irrelevant for this topic but go off I guess!

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I don't hate anybody. I do think there is a clash of rights in some areas between women and trans women, eg sports, prisons, shortlists, refuges and single sex spaces. This needs to be resolved with women's rights and needs considered as well as trans women's. We cannot resolve it if people like you and Tennant throw accusations of hate at anyone who simply wants to raise the issue. It needs a more grown up approach. I am willing to listen and debate, are you?

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